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Headframes are the iconic symbol of Butte and represent the contribution of the minerals and metals mined here to the industrial growth of this country. These steel towers lifted the ore that…

The Enabling Act of 1889 laid the foundation for the Montana School of Mines, providing for the first federal land grants for the establishment of mining schools. This landmark provision thus…

In 1917, Butte was the site of one of the most notorious unsolved murders in American history. The murder of union organizer Frank Little happened in the midst of what was then the biggest strike in…

A few minutes before 10 p.m. on January 15, 1895, a signal came into the Butte fire department from call box 72 indicating a fire near Utah and Iron Streets. Firefighters rushed to the scene in…

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Story of Butte is a website and free mobile app that puts Butte history at your fingertips. Developed by Butte Citizens for Preservation and Revitalization and the Butte-Silver Bow Public Archives, Story of Butte lets you explore Butte, Montana’s, unique history as a major copper mining town and urban center in the early West. Learn about the people, places, and moments that shaped the history of the "Richest Hill on Earth" through curated, map-based, multimedia stories.