Wynne / Conroy Residence
Butte National Historic Landmark District
Scattered development marked this Butte neighborhood during the 1890s as the population grew and the demand for all types of housing increased. By 1900, few lots remained on this side of the block. Merchandise broker E. Walter Wynne, at this address as early as 1895, was likely the home’s first owner/occupant. Wynne, who later served as Butte’s police chief, lived here until about 1901 with his wife Nellie and two children. Michael V. Conroy, a self-employed insurance and real estate broker, had purchased the property by 1903, where he and his wife Estella raised their two children. The Conroys enlarged the home circa 1916 with an addition at the back. The residence changed owners in the late 1920s, and 1930s remodeling updated the Victorian era façade. A gabled and stuccoed vestibule with stick trim replaced the original front porch and small-paned casement windows were added to the first story. These dramatic changes stylistically transformed the home from vintage 1890s to the more modern English cottage.